Monday, February 20, 2012

Lack of offspring obviously make me an inferior human...

So...yeah. This is one thing that just erks me beyond belief!! I understand I don't have children at the moment...I'm not an idiot. So why would you bring this up as a point of inferiority, which would directly translate into me needing to work the crappy shift or day since once again..."you don't have kids." I sincerely understand that family is important & I want my own more than anything in this world, but guess what!?!? My Huzzyban & 2 adorable kitties are my current family and I  refuse to think of them as less valuable or meaningful to my life as "your" children are to yours. All of those out there with kids...I really don't want you to take offense to this. I know my cats are not children & I don't actually think of them that way. I also know you work hard (whether at home or work & home). I've babysat my fair share of kids in my day & I know it exhausting & that although it is difficult, the reward is priceless, but for those of us that do not have kids (whether by choice or the lack of being able to) why should we always get the short end of the stick? My hard-working Huzzyban works 50 hours a week & takes 2 classes at night toward his degree. I admit I don't do much, but work 40 hours (currently) & keep down the fort. I am alone ALL the time! I too want to spend time with my loved ones! Again, I'm not trying to degrade the family unit in anyway! I just want those with kids to think, just for a moment, before assuming those without kids have no life & so it doesn't "matter" what happens to them. Because, I assure you that even though we most likely don't have the same problems...I still have problems in my life. We all might just need to be a tad more considerate toward one another...the world would be a much happier place.


  1. Okay, that just totally stinks! Some people just don't seem to think before they speak...or they just choose to pass judgement when they have no idea what others are going through.
    Maybe this is TMI but trying to have kids for several years and not being able to was heartbreaking. And to make it worse people can say the most insensitive things. This isn't the same situation but it's just a subject I'm passionate about! I make it a point to never judge someone who does not have kids because I don't know their situation and it's not my business anyway.
    You guys work so hard and just because you don't have kids yet doesn't mean you shouldn't have time together or that you should always get the worst shifts. Lame!
    Thanks for reminding us to all be more considerate toward one another. Love you guys!
    Alyson...Ryan's cousin:)

  2. I would be seriously pissed if I were in your situation. Everyone should take their turns with the crappy shifts regardless of their personal situation. It's not a volunteer organization, it's not a charity, it's a job. They are getting paid to do this job, which includes working crappy times sometimes. If they can't coordinate the crappy shifts with their home life they need to find a different job. Grrr.

  3. Laney,
    I totally know where you are comming from! My wife has been the "go-to" girl at her work in the past simply because we don't have kids (yet), she's always covering for people that need the day off, or need to leave early due to family issues (i.e. babysitting conflits, and such). Apperently work doesnt reconize school, or husband a priority but when it comes to someones kids, they are always quick to accomidate. Now i will probably feel diferent about this once our kid finally pops, and I to am using those same excuses to get work off, but i do feel it's unfair to those without childreen, not geting the same kind of treatment as those with. Good luck getting your occupation to reconize your husband and pets as "Family", and good luck as well in the never ending process of growing that family!!
